Cemetery Blessing on Sunday, September 23, 2018

Rite of Burial shall be sold only in the designated area as available by the cemetery committee.
Each site will receive a “Right to Burial Contract.” Which can only be changed by reverting it back to the Parish of St. Nicholas, for the original purchase price.
While grave sites may vary somewhat in size, it is intended for the average site to be 4.5 feet by 9 feet. The price for an active member of the Parish of St. Nicholas will be $200. Any parishioner who had their productive years in the Parish of St. Nicholas and retiring outside the parish will be able to purchase a Rite of Burial for $200 up to one year after leaving the parish. After that the cost will be $200 plus $200 for every year away from the parish up to $1200.
Non-contributing members or non-members will be required to pay $1200 for a grave site.
Each grave site may contain a) one casket or cremation urn, b) 2 cremations or c) a casket with cremation remains on top. The total cost is determined per burial not per grave site. The cremation remains must be buried in a non-biodegradable container.
The prices mentioned above are per burial and include perpetual care of the grave site and surrounding cemetery land. These charges are to be paid at the time of the purchase. We are not responsible for any damages to the grave marker.
No grave may be dug, or grave marker placed without prior consultation and approval of the cemetery committee. The current representative is Dave Stang. He can be contacted at 320-469-4735. Each grave site must have a permanent marker with a foundation. The foundation must be 4 inches larger than marker on all four sides not to exceed the size of the lot. All graves must be dug by a cemetery approved digger. The costs associated with opening and closing the site, including the placement of marker and foundation, are the complete responsibility of the owner of the Rite of Burial. “The ideals and reverence for the dead and the beauty of their final resting place” shall be a standard by which the Cemetery Committee shall judge what is acceptable.
Any burial that requires snow removal to gain access to the site will be charged an additional flat fee of $350.00.
Any flowers or wreaths must be attached to the grave marker or placed on the cement foundation. No glass of any kind is acceptable. The caretaker has the right to remove any decoration that is no longer deemed attractive. Shrubbery, curbing, fencing, flowers, wreaths or anything that hinders the lawnmower’s duties will be removed without notice. In preparation for winter, all decorations must be removed by the 1st Wednesday in November.
These guidelines have been put in place to govern the cemetery. They were approved by the Parish Finance Council to be effective May 1, 2023.
The Cemetery Committee